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How to refrigerate seafood?

Imported seafood is transported to China from overseas. Due to the long distance, it is usually transported by air or by sea container. In order to ensure that Chinese customers can eat fresh, nutritious and delicious seafood, the regulations on storage and long-distance freight transportation are relatively high. There are different ways to treat seafood. What are the differences between these different ways? Next listen to my detailed introduction for you!
In order to better maintain the freshest moment of seafood food, people have explored a variety of processing methods in the whole process of ocean fishing.
In order to solve different kinds of seafood in different conditions, the key processing methods are as follows: Live fresh, chilled fresh and frozen fresh; According to the address, it can be divided into ship freezing and shore freezing.
Live and fresh
Live seafood, to put it bluntly, refers to live seafood. Many people think that fresh seafood is the best, because it is more fresh. If you are near the seafood salvage point, the rule of eating fresh seafood is effective.
But if you live in inland areas, or like to eat imported seafood, its survival rate and meat quality to round level is difficult to ensure.
Frozen fresh
After the seafood is successful, it will be covered with ice layer by layer for refrigeration in a short time. This kind of seafood is called chilled.
Ice can reduce the temperature of seafood to about 0 ℃, and maintain the temperature range during transportation and transportation. In this temperature range, seafood or meat is not frozen, and can keep fresh for a short time.
The advantage of frozen fresh seafood is that the temperature of the management center is rapidly reduced to - 18 ℃ to achieve complete locking, so that the water is completely dried, which prevents the quality changes caused by the circulation, and ensures the nutritional composition and quality of seafood.
Frozen seafood can lock in the nutrients and water of seafood products to prevent outflow. Moreover, it can eliminate bacteria and avoid the invasion of bacteria, maintain the original quality of goods, and is conducive to long-term storage.
Frozen seafood is divided into raw frozen and cooked frozen according to different characteristics of seafood.
1. Cooked frozen: the seafood is boiled on the sea surface, and then quickly ultra-low temperature without freezing! After blanching, we immediately carried out "cleaning - shelling / visceral organ removal (not necessary) - blanching - quick freezing / refrigeration" in the boat. When the seafood is the freshest and mellow, we boiled it on the sea and quickly frozen it at low temperature. The ultimate storage of its meat flavor, high uniformity and fresh meat quality.
2. Raw frozen: the raw seafood is frozen immediately at ultra-low temperature! Most fish and seafood can be frozen raw. The advantage of raw and frozen seafood is the diversity of food methods, without solving, cooking, there is a large number of cooking probability; But the net weight of the purchase often includes water, and the cooking time is longer.
Ship freezing vs land freezing
Ship freezing
"Frozen boat" simply means that after the seafood is salvaged and boarded, it will be frozen immediately after the basic solution.
Large and medium-sized technical professional expensive salvage fleet, ocean international work, the salvage of fish, shrimp according to the ship's expensive refrigeration equipment, minus 30 degrees or 40 degrees (depending on the product category) immediately refrigerated (not frozen oh) or immediately steam cooked and then refrigerated.
Benefits of ship freezing
1. When the protein is below minus 30 degrees, it will automatically discharge acid, which greatly reduces the floating objects. Therefore, it is not easy to suffer from rheumatism when eating this kind of seafood.
2. The original delicious shrimp and fish. As they were in the wild to find food, they were salvaged and kept fresh.
Frozen land
"Frozen on land" refers to the quick freezing of seafood after its success.
This kind of cold storage method, if it is salvaged from the sea, can not ensure that the seafood is fresh, there are deaths on the way back is all normal! If it is salvaged near the sea, the mortality rate of seafood will be lower.
Difference between ship freezing and land freezing
1. When the frozen seafood is salvaged from the sea, it is produced and processed. It is fresher, more nutritious and more delicious.
2. Due to the high hardware configuration and high cost, the retail price of ship frozen seafood is higher than that of land frozen seafood, and the market price is relatively high.

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