Industry News

Learn to avoid seafood

Seafood is becoming more and more popular now, and more and more people like seafood. In fact, everything is not perfect. Food also has food taboos.
What are the specific taboos of seafood diet?
1. beer will be ventilated
Seafood and beer are perfect match, especially when eating big gear in summer, there must be beer where there is seafood. But most people don't know that it's better not to drink beer to eat seafood. After the metabolism of seafood, uric acid will be formed, too much uric acid will cause gout, kidney stone and other diseases. If you eat a lot of seafood and drink beer, it will accelerate the formation of uric acid in the body. So when eating seafood, try not to drink beer, otherwise it will have a bad effect on the body.
2. fruit will cause abdominal pain
There are many nutrients in seafood, protein and calcium. The fruit contains more tannins. If you eat seafood immediately, it will not only affect the absorption of protein, but also the calcium in seafood will combine with tannin in fruit to form insoluble calcium. Can stimulate gastrointestinal tract, even cause abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms. It is best to eat at least 2 hours.
3. long stone with tea
The reason why we should not drink tea after eating seafood is similar to that of fruit. Tea also has tannins. If you eat with seafood, this ingredient will interact with calcium in seafood to form calcium stones that are insoluble in water. Eating seafood before or after seafood increases the chance of calcium and tannin. So remember, it's best to eat seafood and tea every 2 hours.
4. bacteria are not familiar
The bacteria in the seafood are a kind of Vibrio parahaemolyticus with high heat resistance, and can not be killed without 80 ℃. Besides the bacteria brought by water, there may be parasite eggs in seafood, as well as bacteria and virus pollution caused by processing. Generally speaking, boiling in boiling water for 4-5 minutes is considered to be completely sterilized. Therefore, when eating seafood, we must pay attention to eating as much as possible cooked seafood.

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