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How to remove the fishy smell of seafood?

With the improvement of people's living standards, seafood also slowly entered the table of every family. It is rich in nutrition and delicious. It is the favorite of many people. The seafood market is also a wide range of categories now. However, in the big cities of inland areas, many people are not very good at making seafood. Most of the products like oil explosion. They can not eat the delicious seafood with the heavy flavor of Chaotian pepper or sauce duck.
It may be that the difference between the smell and the fresh flavor of domestic people is not clear. In the case of cleaning seafood every time, which taste really can not be consumed. When eating, many Korean pepper, garlic and ginger slices are put into the smell. The seafood taste can be made. However, it is felt that there is no delicious food made by people in coastal areas.
We all know three sets of go to the fishy, wine, onion and ginger. Today, we will share 8 sets of seafood for all of you. We can not only keep the smell of seafood but also keep the fresh flavor.
1. Green onion
Onion is the most common food to remove the smell and fresh. Onion generally has the division of shallot and scallion, which can not only lift fresh, but also can invigorate the spleen and appetize and promote digestion. Onion has a distinctive aroma, green onion can be used for pickled seafood, remove the smell. In the cooking situation, onion will release a large amount of masking agent in high temperature oil explosion, which can further cover the fishiness of seafood.
2. Ginger
Ginger is a food cooking can not be less goods, as the saying goes, "eat radish in winter and eat ginger in summer, do not see the doctor open the prescription.". In addition, ginger is also a weapon of deodorization. In many cases, it can be used in pickled meat food. In addition, ginger can cover the smell of food according to its spicy flavor, and it is indispensable for removing the smell.
3. Garlic
Garlic can be sterilized and sterilized, and can be fresh and deodorized. Especially after oil explosion, garlic has a distinctive aroma, can be fried immediately, and can also be used as dip or baking material. Especially when making grilled string seafood, the fuel made from garlic is indispensable. But in the application, garlic paste should be cleaned once, put only fried garlic in the case of bitter taste. The fried garlic is divided into three parts. The oil is burned to golden yellow, then the next one is fried and then the pot is poured into the final one. Garlic that does not taste bitter, strong food.
4. Vinegar
Vinegar is a common condiment, generally used to make dip material, or soup, white rice vinegar, white vinegar, black vinegar, etc. In the case of seafood production, adding appropriate amount of vinegar can have the function of removing the smell. The evaporation of vinegar will bring some smell and fresh. But it must be noted that vinegar does not have to be large, otherwise the dishes are too sour, will lose the original flavor of the food.
5. Green lemon
Green lemon is a kind of fresh fruit which is often used in healthy drinks. It has a heavy flavor and is used as decoration and flavor enhancement. In the case of seafood, can squeeze a little lemon water, reasonable to go fishy. In the case of stabbing, you can squeeze green lemon, taste better, more palatable.
6. Wine
The key to deodorization of wine is that when making seafood tonic soup, the actual effect of deodorization is very good. In addition, alcohol volatilization, with the smell of smell, leaving fresh fragrance, than rice wine actual effect is better. In the case of seafood, you can also match a little wine to drink, taste to improve a level.
7. Pepper
Pepper is an indispensable seasoning for making spicy soup in Henan Province. Pepper is divided into black pepper and black pepper. Black pepper is used as the key to make black pepper sauce, and is generally used for steak. Seafood to smell, mainly uses black pepper, the spicy black pepper can cover the fishy seafood, to achieve the purpose of flavor.
8. Tower on the ninth floor
The nine storey tower, also known as basil, is a kind of vegetable and fruit from Indonesia, which is regarded as a noble thyme with a light green lemon aroma, especially suitable for seasoning. Especially in the case of seafood production, the nine story tower can have a very good fresh effect.

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