Industry News

Common sense of thawing frozen seafood

Common sense of thawing frozen seafood

Modern people pay more and more attention to health, without any additives, seafood source has become everyones choice, delicious and not fat. But not all seafood can be delivered fresh. For example, fish and shrimp must be frozen before th...

How to remove the fishy smell of seafood?

How to remove the fishy smell of seafood?

With the improvement of peoples living standards, seafood also slowly entered the table of every family. It is rich in nutrition and delicious. It is the favorite of many people. The seafood market is also a wide range of categories now. Ho...

Learn to avoid seafood

Learn to avoid seafood

Seafood is becoming more and more popular now, and more and more people like seafood. In fact, everything is not perfect. Food also has food taboos. What are the specific taboos of seafood diet? 1. beer will be ventilated Seafood and beer a...

Affected by the epidemic, seafood markets in India and Malay

Affected by the epidemic, seafood markets in India and Malay

Last Tuesday, 10 fishmongers tested positive for the new coronavirus at the seafood market in paradip, India, and one person died. The seafood market was closed from May 12 to 19. According to the kartikeswar fish Traders Association, the s...

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